Launched in 2017, Artupia is a platform that connects emerging contemporary artists with collectors—using advancements in technology to make your art consultation exciting, and adept in searching for pieces that you’ll want to shout about.
Seeking to break down barriers between art and people, and believing that art has the power to transform lives, the young brand champions the emotional and inspirational sensation that go hand-in-hand with starting and growing your own collection, and their free-to-use website allows users to get under the skin of the medium’s latest talent, whilst providing a marketplace for artists; providing them with a genuine opportunity to get their work seen and sold.

Lorenzo Artoni, Kylie

Giovanna Crescenzi, The Wall
On-hand to help set pragmatic pricing, Artupia offer an evaluation service based on physical characteristics that include materials, dimensions, technique, and hours of work. Getting the best deals for emerging and established talents, simultaneously guaranteeing affordable art for buyers.
Using augmented reality technology, users are able to see how artwork will look on their own walls—an iOS app with AR feature allowing potential customers to pick out an artwork of their choice, moving their phone as images all automatically resized in 3D to evaluate how they will appear inside your room.

Using augmented reality technology, users are able to see how artwork will look on their own walls.
Artupia even have embarked upon their own ‘artsy’ collaborations, such as their bespoke typeface produced with world-renowned global brand consulting and design firm, Landor. Dubbed The Army of Artists, the open-source typeface is made up of letters taken from the signatures of real artists, building up 26 characters to form the first version in January 2017. Since then, as Artupia has evolved and signed-up more artists, the typeface has progressed in line with the platform’s growth; signatures becoming an art form inline with the brand’s core beliefs, helping to bring art, artists, and collectors closer.
Game-changers in an oft-daunting field, Artupia’s is an affordable way to set foot on your path to becoming the next Larry Gagosian.

Dubbed The Army of Artists, the open-source typeface—a collaboration with world-renowned global brand consulting and design firm, Landor—is made up of letters taken from the signatures of real artists, building up 26 characters to form the first version in January 2017

Paul Lee, Composition #1

Beatrice Lopez, Treasures