Behind the doors of a neoclassic Moscow building, fans of craft beer will find the redesigned Galaxy Bar and Bottle Shop—a bright monochrome space that Russian design firm Monoloko say “facilitates a release of the mind and the expansion of human perceptions, as if walking onto a non-objective art canvas.” Which is a deeper concept than most beer haunts dare employ.

“Colour has great influence over human perception and has an extraordinary ability to influence moods and emotions,” Monoloko continue, the studio having approached the project for Zagovor Brewery by referring to elements of ‘Russian Cosmism’ and ‘Suprematism’; creating an evocative atmosphere that fosters a sense of freedom and imagination.
Bright and bold, the Moscow craft beer shop’s azure monochrome interior and geometric forms foster an otherworldly sense; the imaginative and abstract environment leading beer fans into a limitless universe via the creation of an undulating spatial light installation. Allowing its patrons to peruse and booze free from beery norms and conventions, Galaxy is far from your average bottle shop—its 75 sq m footprint filled with inspiration and imagination by the Moscow-based design studio.

Photography of Moscow craft beer bar, Galaxy Bar and Bottle Shop, by Dmitry Chebanenkov