Everyone knows that the life of a student revolves around writing assignments, whether it’s an essay or a narrative, a student can claim to know perfectly how to write in general, but not every student can meet the accepted writing standards to get the grades. Academic writing is a special skill which needs to be mastered; knowledge and ability to use online tools such as buying college essays to improve your work can be essential.
Students’ schedules are busy not only with daily lectures, but also with plenty of homework assignments, writing academic papers, and preparation for important exams and regular tests. Many students complain they lack the time and freedom to be able to submit the required work; many dream of finding an expert who can help. Most probably you have the question in your head: “can you do my homework for me?” Of course you can find online writing services which can provide you professional assistance in any kind of homework, however, it is also useful to learn how to manage your time so that you can get your task done faster and with better results.

Photo, Headway
Time management for a busy student: Put the highest priority to your schoolwork. Your problem with having not enough time comes from decision making. If you do not enjoy the process of learning, you do not put enough priority on doing your homework. If you have a bit of free time, you decide to devote it to more interesting non-school activities. By following such pattern, you will have to work at the last minute. Try to find something interesting in your subject and rate your college work as high in importance. Remember that your future is in your hands.
The following tools can help you work more efficiently …

Photo, Annie Spratt
Google Docs: This is a widely used free suite of applications. There’s a web-based word processor, spreadsheet, slideshow presenter, forms application and more. The set of tools allow students to create, edit documents, and collaborate with your teachers or peers in real-time from anywhere.
ReadWriteThink: As you can guess from the name of the software, it is a multifunctional tool. When students discover it, they have a chance to enhance all the three skills at the same time. The tool is useful for high schoolers as well as university students. The following interactive online writing tool helps students and professional writers with a number of writing assignments including essays, business letters on templates, comic creation, and even practicing storyboarding skills.
3D Writer: Every student should download and install this simple, single-minded tool on his or her computer. The tool is created to function as a powerful word processing program. We highly recommend this tool if you have to deal with creating hypertext fiction. Use it on Windows PCs.
Button Talk: If you want to use the previously described 3D Writer tool on Mac, you should download the application named Button Talk. This application is efficient for such creative writing assignments as story writing. By using the app, a student will explore a huge number of links that can be used for hyperlinks. The app is simple to use at different educational levels.

Photo, Christin Hume
Poetry Forge: If you study literature, you must have this particular tool, which simplifies poetry writing. You will get rid of your fear to write thanks to Poetry Forge. It comes plenty of online tools that will help you create original poetry.
Word counter: Students can use this tool when it is necessary to count how many times a certain word has been used in a text. If you have a bad tendency to overuse some words, this tool will polish the content and make it look harmonious.

Photo, Andrew Neel
Citation machine: When you write an essay or any other type of college paper, you have to cite all the sources of information. This interactive web tool is designed to help you quickly and appropriately cite the used sources.
Language tool: This tool will help you check spelling and grammar mistakes that may go unnoticed. It is a tool that can help your word processor do the job more efficient. The program can detect various spelling, syntax, and grammar errors.
Cliché finder: If you are just learning how to write properly, you may use some clichés, which can spoil the general look of your text. The cliché finder is able to detect all the clichés found in your document.
BibMe: As a student, you must now that every scholarly paper has to include a bibliography. Your professor might have told you to make citations of the source information that you are to include in your paper. This tool will provide you with four different formats: MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian. Ask your professor which one you should use.
StayFocusd: Being a student is not easy. If you find it difficult to maintain a clear head while attempting to work on your writing assignment, the app is perfect for you. The program will help you limit the time spent on time-wasting websites that are not related to your writing assignment.
MindMup: You can be pretty good at researching and creating excellent concepts. Are you good at executing them? If not, use MindMup to organize your creative ideas.
Grammarly: This app is used for checking and highlighting grammar mistakes. Follow the recommendations of Grammarly to polish your content.
Modern students are lucky to have access to all these efficient tools which are available for free. Do not be afraid to look for help. Practice as much as you can and you will master the art of academic writing very fast.