Embarking on the journey of parenthood is both daunting and incredibly exciting. You’re entering a new chapter of your lives together as a couple. One that will come with the shocking readjustment to a new addition to your family unit. The prospect of this new baby can be overwhelming. There’s a ton of planning involved. You probably have dozens of lists of the various things you’ll need. From organic goat milk formula to pimped out Bugaboos. There’s so much to consider. But what are the true baby must-haves?
There’s a whole lot of material out there on being a parent. From pregnancy diets to the best ways to put a baby to sleep; you’ll be able to find information on just about any aspect of raising a baby at the click of a button. In this article, let’s look at the must-have but rarely thought-of supplies…

Photo, Baby Natur
Lots of clothes and multiple sizes
You’ll probably already know that multiple outfit changes a day are pretty much a given for babies. They’re the most obvious of baby must-haves. Their clothes (and unfortunately, yours) will get dirty quick fast. You’ll definitely want to stock up on simple, washable onesies for all those inescapable accidents. What you might not have thought of is the need for larger clothes.
You may think you’ll have time to buy bigger baby clothes in a few months, but rest assured: every minute will count when you’re taking care of a toddler. Plus, you’ll be amazed by how quickly larger clothes are needed. It’s a good idea to check one thing off your future to-do list now when you have a little bit more time on your hands.
A great place to start on your hunt for baby clothes is Bitsy Bug Boutique Store. Bitsy Bug has loads of onesies to choose from, and they come in multiple sizes, so you’ll be able to dress your baby in your favourite ones for months to come. Check out their funny onesies for clever, silly phrases, or have a look at their other adorable, stylish options.
Clothes for the next season
If your due date is in the middle of winter, you’ve probably thought about tiny coats and mittens already. However, if you’re giving birth in August or September, winter clothes should still be on your to-buy list. In the same way that you’ll thank yourself for buying larger clothes, you’ll also be grateful to have warm clothes waiting for you to use when the weather turns.

Photo, Minnie Zhou
Travel system
You’ve probably already thought about the stroller you want, and maybe you’ve already got a list of car seats, but you’ll save yourself a bit of money and a lot of hassle by combining the two and investing in a travel system. This is a combination of stroller and car seat, and the good thing about having a travel system is the ease of getting around. You won’t even have to wake your baby up to put it in or take it out of the car.
Two strollers
This one sounds a bit excessive. Surely, one stroller should do the trick, as you’ll probably want to get a sturdy, well-built stroller with room for shopping bags, diaper bags, toys, and all else you might need. But then, what about days when you’re just heading around the corner? Having a lightweight, foldable, portable secondary stroller will be a lifesaver for those often on the move.
Sturdy books
Having entertaining, colourful baby books is another of the top baby must-haves. However, be sure to buy books with board pages instead of paper for the early years. Unfortunately, babies are less interested in the stories in the books than they are in grabbing the pages. If you try reading your young baby paper books, you’ll soon find you have no books left intact. Heavyweight board books are a great, indestructible (almost) alternative that will last much longer indeed.

Photo, Alyssa Stevenson
As many wet wipes and diapers as you can
Buy the essentials in bulk. Clear out a few shelves and stuff them with as many wet wipes and diapers as you can. You can never have too many of these. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you go through these items and how indispensable they become to your routine. It will feel like a seismic disaster if you ever run out, so stock up now.
Stocking up on painkillers and coffee
Unfortunately, being the parent of a newborn is hardly glamorous or luxurious. You’ll probably be up for most of the night and feel like a walking zombie for most of the day, so coffee and painkillers will become your new best friend. A caffeine shot first thing in the morning will help to get you going, and the painkillers will help to tackle headaches, backaches, or any other aches that may arise. (Just don’t go overboard.)
A first-year memory book
The first year goes by in the blink of an eye. If you don’t make preparations to keep track of the memories, you’ll suddenly find your baby walking around with a full head of hair and nothing but a few pictures to show for it. Keeping a detailed diary with photos and other mementos will be a lovely thing to look back on in a few years. Your child will also love reading it when they’re older too. Also, don’t be afraid to include a picture of you with your baby. Lots of mothers don’t feel camera-ready when they’ve been awake for 48 hours straight, but you’ll be grateful you have the picture in the years to come.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how much planning you put in before the due date. You’ll inevitably be doing lots of learning as you go. While it will be tough and stressful, it will also be magical for you and your partner. Being as prepared as you can be before the baby arrives will, hopefully, make the first few weeks and months a little bit less stressful. Knowing you have what you need, the top baby must-haves, means you can focus on taking care of and enjoying getting to know your new baby, instead of trying to plan on another shopping trip.