While still woefully underfunded and overlooked, there are thankfully those who still make it through school and onto a higher education in art. Among the creativity and independent thinking, there is—unfortunately for some—some brain-taxing work to be done. Often as key to course work as the artistic output, your knowledge of history and theory is scrutinised in the form of essay writing according to the experts from US essay writing services. But what if that doesn’t come as naturally as the creative stuff? This article has you covered.

Photo, Andrew Neel.
After receiving your assignment from art school, think about the content of the essay. It’s important to select a mixture of contemporary and classical sources to tell a complete story. Also, it is essential to research the right information to help you write work of the quality required. And if you feel like you face too many difficulties with writing, you can ask such professional services as an essay writing company for instant help. If you’re going it alone, here’s some wise words from those experts.
Art Essay Writing Tips from Leading Experts.
Try to adhere to the following recommendations: Initially, you need to choose a topic of work. Please note that it is much easier to write about what you are really interested in. You can consult a teacher or lecturer who will help you find a theme that works with your key interests and artistic disciplines. An essay is small in scope. In total, it is necessary to talk about the research, present your statements, and make an analysis of the results using only five to six pages.
Your essay writing style should be scientific, without typos or errors. The essay should reflect the problem, present previously conducted studies. You should also express your opinion and give your own recommendations for solving the problem. First, you will refer to the opinion of the authors of the studied literature. Their statements should be enclosed in quotation marks, accompanied by links to sources.
When writing an essay, it makes sense to select four to five relevant sources. This amount of literature will allow you to understand how to conduct research and you’ll be able to draw up a writing plan. Professional writers recommend beginning an essay by defining a clear position where you agree or disagree with the statement. Try to uncover the meaning of the statement, so that you are even more inspired by the topic and can write an essay worthy of your passion. Often, examiners will disregard works in which the meaning of the statement is not disclosed.

Photo, Katya Austin.
How to Create the Title Page for the Art Essay: Any academic work requires a title page. You need to properly arrange the first page of the essay. You can do this in the following way:
Specify the full name of your institution, as well as the name of the department strictly in the centre at the top of the page. In the middle of the sheet, you should write the name of the discipline, the chosen topic, and also indicate the type of work. All information is centred. On the right side of the title page, you must list all the necessary data about the student and teacher. Be sure to indicate the position of the teacher. At the bottom of the sheet in the centre, you need to indicate the city and year of writing the essay.

Photo, Andrew Neel.
Rules for the Introduction and the Main Part of the Essay: You need to justify the relevance of the research topic. It makes sense to first talk with the teacher, who will help you choose the right arguments. You need to write very briefly. In the main part, a description of the arguments is to be made. Write in a concise form about what has been done. Next, you should talk about the results.
This part of the papers consists of only three to four pages. Do not write a lot, you need to follow the recommended volume, but what you do write should have impact and presence. If you use quotes, then you need to get them right. All other people’s thoughts must be enclosed in quotation marks, accompanied by references to literary sources; remember that you can check your paper for plagiarism for free online.
Rules for Drawing Conclusions in an Art Essay: In the final part of the essay, you need to draw conclusions. You must present the result of the work, as well as express the suggestions that allow you to competently solve the identified problem. This part of the work consists of one to two pages. It is not worth presenting blurry conclusions, you need to write concisely. All your thoughts should have a strict sequence and you need to use a scientific style of writing. As a rule, examiners pay special attention to the information specified in the conclusion. After all, this is the essence of your argument.
Rules for Writing a List of Literature in an Essay: Despite the small size of the work, you have to study modern sources online to write an essay for art school. You need to know what has already been done in your chosen field. Based on the information received, you can draw up your plan for writing a work. Therefore, all sources should be written in the list of references.
If you use quotes, then you need to indicate links to the sources studied in the text of the work. The names of articles, abstracts, textbooks, and manuals must be listed in the list of used literature in alphabetical order.