Unless you’re already a homebody, being stuck in the house for the last few weeks due to the coronavirus outbreak is probably taking its toll on you. While we all dream of lazy days, not having to go to work, or leave the house, that reality can only last for so long before we get bored, agitated, or even depressed.

This is especially amplified by our quarantine partners or in some cases, the lack thereof. In this article, let’s look at how to make the most out of being indoors when you’re stuck at home as a result of COVID-19.
Organise Your Life.
Remember all of those things you promised yourself that you would do when you get the time? Well, now you have time. Whether it’s cleaning out your closet or finally dealing with the mess on the top of your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets. At some point, the quarantine, lockdown, and social distancing will come to an end. If you use your time wisely, your life will be better for it on the other side.
Take the time to write down all of the things that are important to you in your life while you’re at home on lockdown or quarantine. Ask yourself if your life looks like what you thought it would at this time in your life. If it does, kudos. You’re on the right track. If it doesn’t, ask yourself what role you’re playing in being off-track and what steps you can take to make things better.

Now is a good time to make the necessary adjustments to get or keep your life on track after the coronavirus has passed. Have you thought about getting online therapy to help you sort out the parts of your life that need fixing?

Leading therapy providers like BetterHelp are available online during this time to help people in crisis and those seeking advice and help. Talking to a licensed therapist is a great way to get a realistic assessment of your life and learn new coping strategies and tools for achieving your goals.
Stay Moving, Stay Healthy.
Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean you have to sit around and mope or do nothing all day. Get moving to stay healthy and keep your mind and body in harmony while dealing with the uncertainty of knowing when things will get back to normal. Instead of looking at the negatives of being on lockdown, use this time to emerge from this global crisis with an improved mindset and body as you learn how to incorporate daily exercise into your life.
Don’t expect yourself to turn into a world-class athlete or bodybuilder overnight. Start by doing simple stretching exercises like yoga, and walking to loosen stiff muscles. You can follow along with exercise routines online, on television, or by downloading an exercise app. Choose the fitness level that matches your fitness level before the virus started.
You may be surprised at how much you can improve your mind and body by the time we all get back outside.