Having become somewhat of an unofficial symbol of support for the UK’s frontline workers—in particular the NHS—colourful rainbows can be seen hanging in the windows of homes the length and breadth of the country; with many larger chalked versions spotted on driveways, pavements and roads. A heartwarming movement with joy and solidarity at heart, it passes the time of those confined to their homes, whilst delivering a much-needed bolt of happiness to both its creators and those able to walk by.

The rainbow has become an unofficial symbol of support for the UK’s frontline workers; in particular the NHS.
Inspired by the joyous rainbow trend, Brighton-based art studio Evermade, recent collaborators with the World Wildlife Fund for WWF Earth Hour, have commissioned over 20 artists for their latest Evermade Editions project; top creatives including Super Freak, Hattie Stewart, Lynnie Z, Ricardo Cavolo, Annu Kilpeläinen and Rachel Peck, each doodling a diverse technicolour print guaranteed to brighten the long days that come with a life on lockdown.
Standing in solidarity with, and raising money for, NHS workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, 100% of all profits from the collection will be donated to NHS Charities Together; Evermade’s huge show of gratitude joining other heartwarming initiatives such as ‘Claps for Carers’ and creative endeavours like Morag Myerscough’s brilliant billboard takeover in Leeds.
From emerging new talents to established industry icons, each print is produced as a certified edition of 100 and is available in two sizes. Prices start at £40 for 330mm x 330mm, rising to £100 for the larger 610mm x 610mm. A charity initiative that enables you to own (or gift) exclusive, kaleidoscopic art from a slew of amazing artists, don’t waste this opportunity to bag a limited edition multi-coloured arc whilst showing appreciation to the country’s frontline workers in these unprecedented times.

Marylou Faure: “Portrait of isolation with a positive twist having a rainbow coming inside your home.”

Melanie Johnsson: “Her name is Joy. She’s powerful, proud, confident and she shines bright. She only spreads colour and light. And she’s telling you: Everything will be alright in the end…”

Thomas Hedger: “This piece is about experiencing the rainbow even though being inside, trying to be sympathetic but warming to a hard situation.”

Lynnie Z.

Paul Farrell.

Lois O’Hara: “Putting a spin on my trademark “wavey” rainbow to express the importance of finding joy and things to be grateful for whilst things are difficult or chaotic.”

Diane Bresson: “Along the Rainbow aims at connecting people together by spreading joy and hope across the UK and beyond and adding colours to these dark times. At the same time it supports and recognise the NHS workers as the real heroes they have proven to be.”

Ricardo Cavolo: “Just a positive message to keep the hope for these weird days.”

Jenni Sparks: “Considering everything going on in the world at the moment, things are pretty terrible! The name of this piece and its ethos is inspired by the iconic 90s D:Ream track ‘Things Can Only Get Better’, which I had stuck in my head one night when I couldn’t get to sleep.”

Katherine Plumb: “I wanted to create a piece that felt fresh and bright, since we’re all missing out on the Spring we had been hoping for. When we work collectively as these flowers are, coming together and keeping apart, we can create something beautiful.”

Peter Judson: “I wanted to communicate the idea of context and how our highs can only be appreciated in contrast with our lows. If there is anything we can take from these deeply troubling times it’s an appreciation of what we truly value, how darkness can amplify and focus the light.”

Jocelyn Tsaih: “Amidst all the noise, there is still a quiet hope.”

Steffi Lynn: “I wanted to create a reminder for people that, we need to take things day by day and conquer one thing at a time. A reminder to stay positive during hard times!”