The stress of modern life can get a little overwhelming every once in a while. Especially if you have a stressful job and a multitude of things to do each and every single day. This is exactly why a lot of people are fantasising about leaving everything behind and hitting the open road in a recreational vehicle (RV).

Photo, Rota Alternativa.
This is a dream a lot of people have, regardless of their age. Therefore, if you’ve been thinking about doing this, you’re not alone.
Living and travelling in an RV is a beautiful adventure. However, it is also a challenge, especially for someone who has always lived in a house and is used to comfort. Therefore, you have to be properly equipped and prepared for an adventure in your new ‘tiny house‘. Today we are going to share with you some useful tips on how to make your life in an RV wonderful.
Do Thorough Research Before You Buy An RV: Getting a recreational vehicle and hitting the open road is a rather important decision in a person’s life. This lifestyle is very different from the one you are used to. There are a lot of challenges associated with it and this is why you have to prepare yourself properly. The first thing you should do is thorough research of the RV you want to buy. This is your new home on wheels and you must make sure it’s reliable.
You should also get the one that caters to every single one of your needs. As the professionals from The Wandering RV suggest, you should get a recreational vehicle that suits you the best. This is the only way you will be able to relax and enjoy your adventure.
Get To Know Your RV Before You Go On A Trip: Buying an RV is not like buying a new car. There are a lot of things you have to get acquainted with before you hit the road. Especially if you plan on living in this vehicle. Therefore, make sure not to rush things once you get the RV. Learn everything you can about the vehicle. Learn how the engine works, how it should be maintained, and get to know the interior of the RV.
You’ll be spending a lot of time in it, therefore you must know how everything works. If you have a companion, go through this together. Get to know your new home and it will treat you well.

Photo, Robson Hatsukami Morgan.
Take Care Of The Legal Issues: Getting an RV and travelling the country may seem like a wonderful adventure, and it is, but it also has a few boring aspects. For example, taking care of legal issues. Not having a permanent residence might cause you certain problems when it comes to taxes and insurance. The laws are different in each state, therefore, make sure to do your research and find out all the information you may need regarding this. You definitely don’t want to deal with bureaucrats during your adventure.

Photo, Steve Halama.
Make Sure You Get Insurance: Once you decide to live in an RV, this vehicle becomes your new home. Therefore, you have to buy insurance, just like you would do with your regular house. However, buying an insurance policy for your home on wheels can be a bit complicated. There are a lot of factors you have to consider. For example, you have to get liability protection on and off the road. You must also get roadside assistance and replacement coverage for your personal belongings in your new home.
The rules are different in every state, therefore you must acquire the necessary information in order to plan your adventure properly.
Bring Only The Essentials: As you probably know, living in an RV will be a challenge because of the small space. Especially if you plan on doing this with a companion. Therefore, you simply can’t bring all of your stuff, only essentials. You will have to say goodbye to some of your items, like a desktop computer, for example. You have to save your space in the RV, therefore it makes more sense to bring a laptop. Also, you will have to bring only your essential clothing items. This will probably be one of the toughest challenges, but you will get used to it. When you fall in love with the adventurous way of life, you will realise that you don’t need twenty shirts at your disposal.
If You Are Travelling With A Companion, Work On Your Communication: Living with someone can be difficult, especially if you share close quarters. You and your companion will annoy each other, be sure of it, however, there are ways to prevent nasty fights. One of those ways is to work on your communication every single day. Be honest with each other and let the other person know when something annoys you. This journey will teach you how to share things and how to resolve conflicts. It will definitely make you a better person.

Photo, Airstream Inc.
Enjoy The Adventure: This is the last, but definitely not least important tip. If you want to look back on this decision and call it a good one, you have to find a way to enjoy this adventure. There will be a lot of challenges and there will be plenty of tough days you didn’t plan for, but you simply must stay committed to your cause. Use every day to explore nature and learn new things. Enjoy the adventure.
Lastly, you have to realise that living in an RV is not a simple thing to do. You will have to give up a lot of things in order to make this work for you and your companion. However, if you manage to find a good arrangement, this will be the best adventure in your life. It will change the way you think and it will definitely make you appreciate the simple and little things in life. If you want to get away from modern life and go on a spiritual journey to cleanse your soul, this is the perfect thing for you.