It seems that everyone and their mother are involved in property development these days. It is an exciting field that also comes with a lot of investment in both time and money. Whether it is done full time or as a side hustle, you want to get your money back. Some things are obvious when it comes to residential property development. You wouldn’t try to rent or sell your flat without the relevant safety checks.

Photo, Matthew LeJune.
Splashing magnolia on the freshly plastered walls and hoping for the best isn’t going to cut it when every other property developer is doing the same thing. The little things become the selling points.
Doors: Internal doors take up more space in a home than any other feature. doors delivered has a range of doors to help your property stand out. Potential buyers or renters will notice the quality of the doors; they’ll notice squeaking, also weight. Low quality, poorly fitted doors will hinder sales. Potential buyers or renters will use the doors while looking around. There’s no use hanging neutral mass-produced prints on freshly plaster walls. You’re only putting holes where a buyer may not want them. Internal doors and curtains should be the only things hanging in the property.
Glazed internal doors help natural light travel from room to room even with the doors shut. Each room receiving natural light is a major selling factor. The only people who buy dark and dingy homes at auction are people just like you, who plan to open up the property and transform it into somewhere people want to live.
According to Ruban Selvanayagam, co-founder of professional auctioneer and ‘We Buy Any House’ company Property Solvers: “related to this, having nice elegant external doors can have an excellent effect on your home’s curb appeal. It’s worth remembering that many buyers make their mind up within the first seconds of seeing a property.”
Light Fixtures: Light fixtures are another boring yet overlooked item property developers need to pay attention to. There’s no point in wasting most of your budget on luxury light fixtures. The developer down the street is already doing that. Don’t leave bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Round paper lampshades diffuse the light in a neutral way so buyers can still paint their personalities and tastes onto the property.
The team behind Showcase IDX’s Northwest Arkansas wordpress plugin, which is a powerful tool to help power property listing websites, add that installing smart lighting technology such as Google Home or Philips Hue can also hugely boost property prices.

Photo, CDC.
Clean: Much like relevant safety checks, cleaning seems obvious. Builders aren’t professional cleaners. Bring in the professionals or do the cleaning yourself before the property goes on the market. Builders and plasters will miss places potential buyers will look. Make sure to vacuum and polish door handles between viewings.
Scent: The internet is filled with articles advising sellers to have bread baking in the oven before showing potential buyers around. This is good advice, if the home is currently lived in. A property purchased at auction and renovated isn’t going to have someone living in it. The bread becomes tacky. If the dough was prepared in the kitchen, chances are there is now flour on the tiles. The new appliance smell mixes with baking bread for an overpowering scent.
Artificial air fresheners are off-putting. Open the windows, even in winter. Air it out. A scented candle is much more subtle than artificial air fresheners and appropriate for a property that hasn’t been lived in since redevelopment.