Kitchen mishaps are common, and even the most seasoned cooks can encounter one at some point. Multitasking and a lack of experience make you susceptible to burns, cuts, and wounds. They happen more frequently in the holiday season as you try hard to keep up the pace.
The injuries may not be serious most times, but a deep cut or severe burn can cause a bigger problem. Knowing how to deal with common kitchen mishaps is crucial so that you can cook safely. Here are some tips that can help.
Halt right after the injury
If you sustain a cut or burn in the kitchen, halt at once and focus on the injury. Your priority should be to address the wound or burn rather than complete the chopping or check the cake in the oven. Do not overlook the injury, even if it is apparently minor. A bleeding wound may contaminate the food, while the injury may be more serious than you imagine. Get into the action right away.

Photo, Noah.
Wash the affected area immediately
Washing the wound is the first thing to do, whether it is a cut or burn. You have water right at hand in the kitchen, so it is the easiest thing to do. It enables you to clean the area and remove the germs right away. Pouring cold water on burns can prevent the formation of blisters and give instant pain relief. Applying ice after washing the affected area also helps. It can slow down the bleeding, prevent blistering, and reduce the pain.
Have a first-aid box in the kitchen
Keeping a first aid box is an essential item for potential kitchen mishaps. Just like knives, plates, mixer and oven, no kitchen should be without one. Make sure you have all the essentials, from bandages to burn ointment, antiseptic cream, and pain killer spray. Adding manuka honey products to your first aid kit is a good idea because it heals naturally and works on almost all types of wounds. Place your first-aid box in an accessible location so that you need not struggle to locate it in an emergency.
Get medical attention
Deep cuts and severe burns require medical attention. If you fail to address these wounds, they can get infections and present grave complications. It makes sense to see a doctor if you suspect a serious injury. Your doctor will dress up the wound and recommend medicines to ease the pain and prevent infections. It makes sense to take a preventive approach even if the injury appears minor.

Photo, Alyson McPhee.
Cook carefully
You must be attentive every moment you are in the kitchen. But it is crucial to take extra precautions while cooking when you are injured. A slack approach can aggravate the wounds and slow down the healing process. You may even end up passing the infection into the food you cook. Cover the affected area and get help if you do not feel good about getting back to work.
Most kitchen wounds are easy to deal with, provided you are ahead of the first aid basics. You can even rely on natural remedies to heal them faster. But make sure you do not overlook the serious ones.
Elena Watson is a digital marketer with a leading firm. She also has a flair for writing and likes writing in for parenting and lifestyle blogs. You can read her articles on top blogs and websites.