10 Tips for Manifesting

Photo, Elia Pellegrini.


10 Tips for Manifesting

What is manifesting and how can it help you? Discover the 'Law of Attraction' and 10 top tips for manifesting that can change your life...

How to Manifest Your Desires into Reality

Is manifesting the new self-care? When we think of wellness, we might head straight to green smoothies, going for a run and an hour of yoga before work. But times are changing. Now, manifesting is just as much a part of a self-care and wellness routine for millions of people as their early morning peppermint tea. So, what’s it all about? And why are so many people now obsessed with the concept of manifestation?

10 Tips for Manifesting, a Guide to the Law of Attraction

Photo, Aarón Blanco Tejedor.

What is Manifesting?

Manifestation is all about the Law of Attraction. Which you will probably have heard of if you’re on Instagram or listen to any sort of podcast; it’s a current buzzword getting a lot of attention. But the Law of Attraction or the concept of manifesting your desires is nothing new.

The Law of Attraction is basically the idea that you attract what you put out there. So, your thoughts, feelings and actions set your vibrational frequency, and this is what attracts things to you. In short, if your mindset is positive and focused on something becoming a reality, it will become attracted to you and you will achieve it. Therefore, manifesting is the practice of focusing on the things you want in life, training your mindset on this, and then attracting them into your reality. Whether that’s a new car, a new job or a new direction in life altogether.

10 Tips for Manifesting

Feel like manifesting is something you’d like to add to your daily routine? But not sure where to start? Keep reading for our top 10 tips on getting starting with manifesting your desires and sticking with it.

Make Gratitude Practice a Must

Start every day with a gratitude list. However you want to do it, starting the day thinking about everything you’re grateful for that day automatically sets your mind to positive thinking. Whether you write down everything you feel grateful for that morning or just pick your top 3, it’s up to you. But stick to it and make sure you begin the day in the same way each morning.

Focus on What You Want – Not What You Don’t Want

Remember that your thoughts are a powerful tool. We want to focus on positivity so try to always adjust your thought patterns to what you do want, rather than what you don’t want.

10 Tips for Manifesting, a Guide to the Law of Attraction

Photo, Marcos Paulo Prado.

Work on Negative Thoughts the Most

As with the above, your negative thoughts evolve into negative feelings and this is what can affect and damage your day. Bring your negative thinking to the forefront of your mind and make it an intentional decision to change these any time they pop up. Notice more and more when you’re having negative thoughts and make the effort to adjust them to a more positive angle. This is will get easier and faster as time goes on.

Notice the Moments You Pass Blame Elsewhere

Obviously, sometimes things are going to happen that aren’t your ‘fault’. However, it’s a great practice to start noticing the moments that you blame others for things that have affected you. Instead, start to take accountability and ownership of anything that happens to affect you, and work on how you can give it a positive spin – or change it altogether. When we stop placing blame elsewhere, we become more self-aware and focused on our positive actions and mindset.


Become a yes person. In general, just try saying ‘yes’ to everything. Particularly, if you know you’re the kind of person to default to ‘no’. Even just the practice and self-awareness of this will start to open up your eyes to potential opportunities that you maybe miss out on throughout your regular day-to-day.

Create a Vision Board

Seeing your goals visually is another powerful tool. Take some time to create a vision board in any format packed with your long-term goals. Whether it’s a different house, a trip abroad, a career transition, a relationship or family or even a handbag, add it to your vision board and make sure you look at your board every morning to remember what you’re working towards. Look at your goal visuals and imagine your life that already includes these things. This is manifesting them directly.

Commit to Daily Meditation

Even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day, committing to a daily meditation will get you in the zone to focus on your manifesting thoughts each and every day. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, simply get yourself in a comfortable and quiet position, shut down your eyes and focus on your positive thoughts for the day with purpose and intention. You could potentially use affirmations here too.

10 Tips for Manifesting, a Guide to the Law of Attraction

Photo, Marcos Paulo Prado.

Start Journaling

Even if you don’t think journaling is for you, just give it a try for a few weeks and see how it makes you feel. Journaling can be whatever you want it to be. It can be a dated diary or it can simply be a free flow of thoughts whenever and wherever. The practice of letting your thoughts flow out onto paper can be incredibly freeing and calming, allowing your mind to declutter and focus.

Keep an Ideas Diary

On top of journaling, have an ideas diary at hand at all times. Whether you’re trying to manifest a new career or business or even a relationship, whenever an idea strikes you to help you achieve your goal, get it written down so you never forget it. Then, you can come back to your ideas diary if you’re ever feeling lost or at a standstill and you’ll have loads of fresh ideas to try out to get to where you want to be.

Start Today

You’re here, reading tips about how to manifest. So, you obviously want to try it if you haven’t started already. Don’t delay any longer, just start – today. What’s the worst that can happen? The answer is literally nothing. Nothing bad can happen if you start to implement these really positive things your everyday life. But something magical and life-changing might just happen. Surely, it’s worth finding out?

Manifesting is a long-term notion. Don’t expect to be able to manifest a raise at work or a new relationship overnight. Manifesting requires long periods of concentration and focus, commitment to sticking to your vision and the best possible mental space and attitude to take you through. You could also pair your manifestation work with a psychic reading to get insight into your potential future. Could seeing the possibility of your future inspire you to make changes now? Why not find out. Head to Psychic Sofa to connect with psychic readers in the UK.