The lip gloss market is a multi-billion dollar industry that is constantly changing. The past few years in packaging for lip gloss has seen tubes replaced by stick applicators because they are easier to apply. A trend that has been picking up lately is the use of custom lip gloss tubes. These tubes have unique colours and designs that can be personalised with your name, favourite colours, and even an inspirational quote.
According to the information BeautySourcing the history of lip gloss tubes goes back to the mid 1800s. They were first mass-produced by the French company, La Société des Parfums et Fantaisies de Paris, and then by C.W. Hunt of England.
The first modern lip gloss tube was created in 1889 by the English company, Hunt & Co. and was called a ‘lip salve’. This was a mixture of beeswax, lanolin, oils, and colours that were used to moisturise lips and heal them from chapped and dry states. The first lip gloss tube in America was made by the American company, Hunt & Co., in 1903. They then sold it to a company called Lip Products Company of America which then changed the name to Lip Tubes Inc.
Thinking about entering the lip gloss business yourself? Read on for some tips on custom packaging…

Photo, Sticker Mule.
Packaging your lip gloss
If you are selling a lip gloss or similar product, you definitely need a custom lip gloss tube manufacturer. The packaging of your lip gloss is the most important marketing tool that you have. You need to make sure that it is eye-catching and yet not overbearing. It should also be able to convey your brand’s message and stand out from the rest of the products in the marketplace. This article will tell you how you can have the right packaging for your lip gloss.
With so many companies producing lipgloss these days, the market is saturated with many brands. However, few brands launch with a branded lip gloss packaging. If you want to stand out, you’ll need to invest in unique packaging by connecting with a high quality manufacturer. Here we’ll introduce you to a platform whereby you can connect with top quality and reliable custom lip gloss tube manufacturers in order to customise your packaging and help you stand out in the market.
Beauty sourcing
A site that connects you to high quality custom lip gloss tube manufacturers, BeautySourcing is a platform that focuses on recommending high-quality beauty suppliers, particularly qualified manufacturers. Across China, the network connects roughly 3,000 high-quality suppliers and companies. Products featured on BeautySourcing’s Marketplace can be viewed, touched, felt, and scented at associated offline events, which will be available through the research and filtration function, according to the O2O model.

Photo, Ashley Piszek.
Stunning lip gloss packaging ideas
Packaging is an important part of any business. It sets the tone for your product and can be a key differentiator between your business and your competitors. The first is your company name. Make sure that this is big and in a font that will attract people. The second is the design of the packaging.
It is important to have a consistent design throughout your packaging. This means that the logo, the colour scheme and the font should be consistent. You should also consider your target audience. You want to be able to make your packaging appealing to your target audience. This can be accomplished through the design, the materials and even the size of the package. The third is the size of your packaging.
This is an important factor to consider because you want your packaging to be large enough to be noticeable, but not too large that it is too difficult to transport.
Final word
The market trend on lip gloss is going down because companies are making their own products and selling them on the cheap with little profit. The only way to make this trend go back up is to find a way to make their product more appealing. One way to do this is by connecting with the high quality custom lip gloss tube manufacturers. Beauty sourcing platform is the one in town that can connect you to Custom lip gloss tube manufacturers that are trustworthy and reliable.