Wondering what type of shoes you should pair with your summer outfits? Are your current shoes too warm and heavy for the summer heat If you don’t want to wear regular sneakers, here are some types of shoes for summer that are perfect for this season; they’re stylish, but won’t make your feet hurt.
1. Ankle Boots
Spice up your summer outfits by wearing summer booties. Even though ankle boots are normally worn in the fall or winter, these boots can be perfect for the summer because they add more depth to your style. If your summers are mostly wet because of all the rain, wearing these boots will keep your feet dry. Waterproof booties are a must during the rainy season.
You can pair ankle boots with summer dresses or even skirts.

Photo, Brooke Cagle.
2. Mary Janes
Mary Janes not only add to your style, but they are also extremely comfortable, making them perfect for summer. If you’re worried about the look these shoes will give you, don’t be. These shoes can truly be used as an all-around shoe because they can be worn with many different outfits.
Pair these shoes with your summer dress or loose pants. You can also stand a little taller if you decide to wear Mary Janes that have taller and clunkier heals.The style of Mary Janes can also make you look more professional due to their squared characteristics.
3. Oxfords
Oxford shoes let your feet breathe, making them perfect for the summer weather. They’re also perfect for the rainy season as you can get them with rubber soles, making it less likely for you to slip on wet surfaces. These shoes can be made of leather, making them more durable than most shoes. Because they’re high quality shoes, they last longer too. Some oxfords are even made to be water-resistant.
You can pair these shoes with casual skirts, dresses, and even jeans – they go well with any outfit. They can add classiness, or a bit of professionalism, to your outfit. Oxfords usually come in black or brown, making it easy for you to pair them with any outfit. You can even choose oxfords that have low or high heals, which can help customise your appearance.
Not only are these shoes very stylish, but they’re extremely comfortable. Oxfords give you great ankle and sole support, making them great for everyday wear.

Photo, Courtney Cook.
4. Strapped Sandals
Sandals are usually your go-to type of shoe during the hot season, but why not wear sandals with style by adding straps to them Strapped sandals free your feet from the heat a closed toe shoe would trap in, making them perfect for summer wear. The straps add more security, so you don’t have to worry about them sliding off your feet. Even with the straps, these sandals are easy to put on and pull off.
Sandals are also perfect when you’re going to the beach, which is what people usually do during the summer. With sand in your shoes, you can easily rinse them off, whether they’re strapped to your feet or not. Even if you’re not going to the beach, strapped sandals are perfect for any activity and go well with any outfit.
There are many shoes that are perfect for the summer weather and can add a little more style to your outfits, whether you’re wearing a dress or simply jeans.
Finding shoes that are both fashionable and comfortable can be difficult to do. But with these four shoe recommendations, you’re one step closer to finding the shoe that’s perfect for you during the summer.