The need for SEO optimisation is increasing. As consumers use the internet for almost everything and the market becomes highly competitive, even the most traditional businesses understand that they need to accelerate the shift to digital. SEO optimisation is considered one of the most effective and cost-effective methods to understand and reach customers to stay relevant and gain revenue.
Many companies all across the world know (or think they know) that they need SEO to grow barn awareness and improve visibility. However, using SEO in your marketing strategy delivers a vast range of benefits. While some businesses still avoid investing in quality SEO optimisation, Let’s explore key reasons why you need to consider this step in your marketing:

Organic Search is the Top Source of Website Traffic
Organic search is an essential part of most businesses’ website performance. It is also a crucial element of the buyer funnel and getting users to the stage when they are ready to buy your products or services. Today Google owns the lion’s share of the search market in contrast to its closest competitors like Yahoo, Yandex, and many, many others.
Even though you may think that other platforms don’t contribute to a brand’s visibility, the truth is that Google owns a considerable portion of the overall user search market. Google is the leader in the industry, and it is a valuable point to consider.
Organic search means website visitors who found you directly from the search engine. Google has its own rules on how to consider your website, but the number of organic users and how they behave play a crucial role in your success. Organic search allows you to boost visibility and be at the top of the search over time.
In addition, people who will see you at the top of the search are likely to experience trust in your brand even before entering the website. That is because users tend to believe search engines when it comes to their search. Practice shows that organic traffic allows you to get quality leads.
SEO Provides Trust & Credibility
The main goal of SEO is to create a strong foundation for an effective website with a clean and efficient user experience that can be easily discoverable in search, thanks to the trust and credibility of the company. There are many elements that should be considered to establish the authority of search engines like Google.
Authority of search engines can be accrued over time as a result of aspects including:
– Natural links;
– Positive user behaviour;
– Machine-learning patterns;
– Optimised on-page features and content.
Even though some companies ignore the importance of establishing authority, it can bring more benefits for a brand than other digital optimisations. However, most businesses give up when they don’t see the results from their efforts in one month. The key thing here is that authority should be earned and built over time.

SEO Allows us to Learn the Voice of the Consumer
From knowing about any shifts in the market to learning consumer intent in all details, SEO lets businesses know what and why consumers need it now. SEO provides valuable insights for data-driven decisions at every stage of business development.
This is achieved thanks to the following options:
– Search query data;
– SERP analysis;
– Analytics data and AI insights.
Better SEO – Better User Experience
User experience has recently become one of the most critical parts of every marketing strategy. That is because the user experience is now a crucial factor in business success. For example, you run a business in the law industry and need your users to have a good experience using the website. If not, users will likely leave the website within seconds, showing Google that user behaviour is bad and you need more improvement. So you can descend in search. SEO for lawyers can help you achieve better results by reviewing your website and allowing you to achieve better optimisation.
Google now knows how to interpret a good or unfavourable user experience, making a positive user experience a pivotal element to a website’s success. If you run a business or you are a marketer, you definitely should consider checking Google’s Page Experience Update since it will become an essential part of a longstanding focus on the customer experience.
Customers also know what they like and don’t. Their demands are changing too quickly, forcing businesses to adapt constantly. Digitalisation also boosts their demands and changing needs, making it harder for companies to finally achieve better user experience. SEO can help in this task and allow you to quickly change strategies depending on your target audience.
Local SEO Increases Engagement, Traffic & Conversions
Considering the popularity and rise of domination of mobile traffic, local search has quickly become a crucial part of small- and medium-sized businesses’ success. The goal of local SEO optimisation is to show your products and services to a specific region, shortening the target audience and making the search easier and more effective for users. Local optimisations can be focused on one country, state, specific neighbourhoods and regions to establish a viable medium for a brand’s message on a personalised and shorter volume.