Wear Your Travels On Your Sleeve

Photo, Josh Carter.


Wear Your Travels On Your Sleeve

Unite travel and fashion and you make more memories, by learning how to wear your travels on your sleeve...

Freeing yourself from the mundane 9-5 life in the city, donning your most stylish backpack, and traveling the world is one of the most incredible things you can do for yourself – especially if you’re doing it all in Instagram-worthy style!

While it’s true that traveling means you won’t have access to your entire wardrobe, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a fashion icon while you explore the world. Below, we’re sharing our top tips for traveling in style and expressing yourself no matter where you land your feet. Let’s create some memories…

Wear Your Travels On Your Sleeve

Photo, Caitlyn p.

Unite Travel and Fashion

You’ve heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but how about your travels? They’re not all that different! After all, it’s fair to say each location you visit will have part of your heart forever!

One of our favourite ways to wear your travels – and your heart! – on your sleeve is through using chenille patches or pvc patches. All you’ll need is a jacket, backpack, or another wearable item you’re happy to customise. Then comes the fun part: buying a memorable patch wherever you go, or creating a fun option back at home. 

How about a patch with a famous monument from your last trip? You could also go with something more subtle, like a national dish, favourite musician, or flower. Either way, you’ll be wearing your fashion and making a bold statement.

Must-Have Travel Style

So, fashion icon, you can only take a few clothes with you while traveling. What do you choose? Of course, there is the infamous backpack, the comfortable walking shoes, and the all-weather jacket, but what about the rest?

That’s where a capsule wardrobe comes in. Not only is it a more sustainable way of living, but it’s also a fantastic way of deciding what to take. Here’s the concept: you choose a limited selection of clothes that complement each other and can be worn together in various styles. Trust us; it’ll set you out on the right path!

Wear Your Travels On Your Sleeve

Join the Community

One of the unique parts of travel is the people you’ll meet along the way. Uprooting your day-to-day life to visit different countries and cultures is brave. You’ll meet like-minded people and make friends with people you would never have known otherwise.

Feeling a sense of belonging and community is vital for our mental health. Never is that more true than when you’re hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away from anyone you know.

Any guesses as to your next great conversation starter? Your unique and eye-catching travel patched clothing!

Make Your Travels Part of Your Identity

Traveling the world is excellent for your soul, but sometimes it’s easy to miss your creature comforts – or even feel lonely. A limited wardrobe can remind you that you’re off getting out of your comfort zone.

Patches can change that. Not only a great icebreaker, getting a patch for every item on your bucket list will enhance your travel style and make you stand out in a crowd. Go out there and explore the world – patches and all!