Travelling to Dubai in 2023


Travelling to Dubai in 2023

Planning a trip to Dubai in 2023? Read on to discover the etiquette and rules you need to know before your trip this year...

Dubai is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. On average, Dubai receives over 15 million tourists yearly. It’s a cosmopolitan city that offers travellers everything from stunning beaches to ultramodern malls and skyscrapers, with lots of dining options between them.

If you are planning to visit Dubai in 2023, it’s crucial to know some basic rules and traditions to enjoy your trip as much as possible.

6 Key Guidelines to Follow in Dubai

The principal law system in the UAE is Sharia, which has been developed from the holy Quran and the Sunnah scriptures, the records of Prophet Muhammad. There are some things that are acceptable in other countries, but not in Dubai. Following these rules will help you avoid any cultural misunderstandings or legal issues while in Dubai.

Travelling to Dubai in 2023: Ground Rules for Travellers

1. Wear Appropriate Clothes

In general, it’s best to be conservative when dressing for your trip to Dubai — don’t wear anything too revealing or skimpy. Instead, opt for loose pants or dresses that fall below the knees, along with long-sleeved shirts or blouses. Also remember:

– no sleeveless shirts;
– no transparent or see-through clothing;
– no tank tops;
– no miniskirts.

Dress modestly when visiting mosques or religious places like shrines and temples. Women should cover their shoulders and knees when entering these places; men should wear long trousers instead of shorts. In public spaces, such dress code applies only during Ramadan, when people are fasting. During other times of the year, short clothes are acceptable, but shorts are best avoided unless visiting beaches or swimming pools where swimwear is appropriate for both sexes.

2. Abide by Ramadan Traditions

The second rule of thumb you need to be aware of when traveling to Dubai is that during Ramadan, there are some rules that even tourists must observe. It’s the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the holiest month for Muslims. The holy month of fasting falls between March 23 and April 21 this year. In 2024, Ramadan will start on March 11.

During this period, Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual activities. The fasting period lasts from sunrise to sunset, so you should avoid eating or drinking anything in public places. If you want to eat something during your trip, keep it discreet and don’t make a big deal out of it. Otherwise, you may offend people who are fasting and encounter problems.

3. Turn Off Loud Music

If you’re a fan of loud music, then Dubai is not the place for you. You cannot play or listen to music that can be heard by people outside your home in public places and on the streets — a violation of this law could lead to a $500 fine. The reason behind this rule is simple: it disturbs people who want to enjoy their time quietly or sleep at night with no distractions from outside sources of noise.

The best way to avoid this problem is by renting a villa or penthouse with good sound isolation so that you can enjoy your favourite music without disturbing anyone else. Metropolitan Premium Properties offers you various options for renting a villa or penthouse with good sound isolation.

Travelling to Dubai in 2023: Ground Rules for Travellers

4. Never Swear

In Dubai, it’s not customary to use profanities. While people may swear in private, it’s best to watch your language before you say anything. What you think is normal in your country is not necessarily normal in Dubai and could land you in jail.

Dubai has its laws, and they are very sensitive, so be careful when traveling there. If you want to visit this amazing city, ensure that you don’t use any offensive words.

5. Abstain from Gambling

Gambling is illegal in Dubai, even within the UAE. It’s best to keep this in mind before traveling. It’s also important to note that there are no casinos allowed anywhere in the country — even in Abu Dhabi or other parts of the UAE.

This rule applies to everyone, regardless of citizenship. If you are caught gambling while visiting Dubai, you could face serious legal consequences. These include fines of up to $5,000 or even prison time.

6. Work on Sunday

In Dubai, Sunday is not a day off but a working day. The reason for this is that Friday is considered a holy day in Islam. Most people take this day off from work. So if you are traveling to Dubai, then there will be no difference between Saturday and Sunday because both of them will be working days for you!

Respect for Local Customs and Religion in Dubai

Visitors must be aware that although non-Muslims are not bound by Islamic law (Sharia), they must abide by it when visiting Dubai. In addition, almost all Emirates are Muslim, and around 85 percent are Sunni; therefore visiting couples should be extremely cautious about what they do in public places like beaches or hotels where there may be Muslims who could become offended by their actions. It’s also worth remembering that same-sex marriages aren’t recognised in Dubai or anywhere else within the country’s borders. Therefore, any form of public display involving two people of the same gender can result in prosecution under local laws.

As you can see, traveling to Dubai in 2023 and following its rules is not as difficult as it may seem. With the right preparation and information, you will be able to enjoy your trip without any issues.