Not Able to Cope With the New Office?


Not Able to Cope With the New Office?

Not able to cope with the new office? These top tips for better mental health in the workplace will have you covered...

Have you joined a new office? Or are you joining your office after working from home for so long? If that is the case, you might be feeling some anxiety related to the office. You spend most of your time in the workplace, meeting new people, working, and even making friends. In short, work is an important part of your life. So, if you are not feeling motivated to go to work, are not able to cope with the new office, or find it difficult to connect with people, your mental health will suffer.

Once your mental health starts declining, your work is affected too, your relationship suffers, and more. So, ensure you take steps to improve your mental health while you are in office. How? Here are a few tips to consider:

Not Able to Cope With the New Office? Discover These Top Tips for Better Mental Health

Tips to cope with the new office and improve your mental health

Know the root of your anxiety

Why are you feeling anxious? This is the first thing to know. Is it because you are not sure how to socialise? Or are you someone who has social anxiety and finds it challenging to talk to new people? Or it is because you are finding it challenging to adjust to office life after working from home for so long. Figure out the reason behind your anxiety and work on improving it.

Start your day mindfully

To have a good day in the office, starting the day correctly is also important. Practice mindfulness in the morning by starting your day with yoga or meditation. It is quite impactful to have a positive mindset in the office. Also, if you can, create a to-do list because that can help you prioritise the tasks, ensuring you complete everything smoothly without overwhelming yourself.

Work on making daily connections

Whether you are going to the office every day or if it is a hybrid model, you need to work on making daily connections. For instance, when you are in the office, go and meet everyone, say hi, and ask them how they are doing and if they need help. Similarly, when you are working from home, get on Zoom or Slack and ask your colleagues how they are feeling. Keep nurturing the relationship so you do not feel like you are not connecting with people.

Try to create a work-life balance

Anxiety in the workplace can stem from not being able to maintain a work-life balance. People are worried about how to strike a balance, which can make them anxious even in the workplace. A few things that can help include:

– Have a daily routine; wake up at the same time to ensure you can do your home chores and have me time, too.

– Do not bring work from the office to home, as it will let you keep your work and personal life separate.

These two things can help you avoid burnout and mental stress at work.

Talk about mental health

It should be a company policy to not only talk about mental health but also take action to ensure the employees have a safe space where they can discuss their problems. You can have stress management classes or offer insurance covering treatments for employees at a luxury mental health facility. This can show them that they can take care of their mental health without worrying about finances.

Share your issues

If you have some concerns about the work or adapting to the environment, you should discuss them with your employers or team members. Adjusting to a new work environment is not your problem; it is a universal problem, and you can definitely ask for help. If the workload is too much, discuss it with your peers or TL. Having clarity on what to expect in the new week is another thing that can help you reduce stress at work. It can help you tackle depression and burnout on the job.

Try to socialise

It may be challenging to adapt to a new environment, but having good colleagues can help with this. Go out with your colleagues during tea breaks or talk to them about a new policy. Finding people with whom you are comfortable will help you adjust to the new environment.

Be gentle with all

Be gentle with yourself and others. You are all in the same boat. Everyone has work anxiety; some can hide it better. So, if you are frustrated with your work, do not take it out on others. Be gentle with everyone and show compassion. This can also help you feel better at work.

Have boundaries

Sometimes being a good employee means you go and say yes to every project even when you do not have the bandwidth to do so. This is not right; it will affect your mental health. Set boundaries and learn to say no to extra projects or doing the work of others.

Work on your sleep

It is so essential to get a good night’s sleep. If you are not sleeping enough, you will have trouble concentrating at work or you will end up making bad decisions regarding food or will consume more caffeine to stay focused on work. So, ensure you get at least 8-9 hours of sleep because it is crucial for your mental and physical health both.

Slow down

Work on having a slow morning because if you rush your mornings, you will always feel anxious. If you struggle with mental health, consciously make efforts to have a slow morning, spend time in nature, and do calming exercises.


Going back to the office or starting a new job is full of anxiety for everyone. Some deal with it well, but others are unable to. But since work is a big part of your life, you cannot let it affect your mental health and not work on it. Use the above tips to ensure your mental health does not suffer, and get professional help if necessary. Life will constantly evolve and change. You have to work on yourself, have a positive attitude, and ensure you take help when needed to get better.