The cornershop has made some new music. But if that has got you in a nostalgic rush, digging out your Now! 39 CD for a listen of Brimful of Asha, stop right where you are. We’re careful with our capital letters, and this cornershop is with a lower case “c”. Okay, it’s two words too, but let’s not have that getting in the way of a good intro.
Beer monsters Red Stripe got their mitts on the local shop Best Supermarket on Dalston’s Kingsland High Street for a project that had the customers dancing in the aisles – most of them anyway – a few just looked mildly frightened. A sort of musical flash-mob with products and props instead of people, Make Music in the Corner Shop turned the whole venue into one big musical instrument for a weekend, with performances triggered when an unsuspecting punter pulled a can of the Jamaican brew from the shelf.
Dandy Livingstone’s rock steady classic A Message to You Rudy was the tune this cleverly rigged “band” struck up, using everything the shop had in store as instruments, from food cans to brooms. The performances, along with the suitably-surprised customer reactions, were captured on video by 10 hidden cameras. We defy you not to be smiling by the end of this video. Don’t blame us if you’re singing the super-catchy tune all day though…