If you’ve done much travelling outside the developed world, you’ll be well used to eating at some questionable establishments – sometimes it’s like that management team-building exercise where you let yourself fall backwards and hope something or someone stops you from hitting the floor, or landing with your head in a pile of shite.
Dirty Burger has all the adventurous spirit of those far flung flea-pits, but with the stringent health regulations of the UK – it’s located on Highgate Road, London – to keep customers intestinally sound. In fact the only truly dirty thing about this place is the grimy sub-industrial aesthetic of the venue. It looks like a corrugated iron shed because it is, at least on the surface, although the central dining island and the fly-trap looking light fittings are examples of sophistication not apparent at first glance.
Dirty Burger hasn’t just been thrown together; it’s part of the decidedly slick Soho House group responsible for giving rich hipsters the world over somewhere to avoid the riff raff and, more recently, for bothering arteries with Pizza East (this place lurks around the back of the capital’s third outpost) and Chicken Shop (which, conveniently, is in the basement) – so, the pedigree is there. Dirty looking, yes, but everyone knows rusty is the new rustic…