Want a new sound system, but don’t fancy a pair of looming black boxes dominating your living room? No saleable organs left to raise the scratch for a super-sleek Bang & Olufsen rig? Your worries could be over thanks to the ingenuity of Swedish firm People People and their fresh-thinking alternative Transparent Speaker.
You can clearly see the main selling point for this piece of kit, and you can also eyeball the components which are usually hidden from view, cleanly arranged and connected with dramatic-looking red wires. According to the specialist publication boffins who should know what they’re waffling on about, the innards of this set-up produce top-notch sound quality as well as looking rather lovely, so no compromise necessary for the hardcore techno-heads out there.
Another small but important design feature is the inclusion of a USB port, so you can stick a dongle in and go wireless, and there is full-on integration with Apple’s AirPlay if you’re that way inclined. Best of all, the components are easily accessible meaning you can replace and upgrade them as required. Sounds good to us.