Nothing is straightforward in the world of HuskMitNavn – that’s Danish for RememberMyName, and how could we forget with a catchy moniker like that? There’s always something off-kilter about his large-scale paintings, whether it be an immediate juxtaposition of some sort, such as a snowed-on Hawaiian girl, or something sly just under the surface; a romantic scene that on closer examination is rather forlorn, or an argument that hides a tender moment.
One of These Days is a collection of 13 paintings and 19 paper works from HuskMitNavn which will be on display at Copenhagen’s V1 Gallery until 16th February. The title refers to the slightly unfinished feel of the pieces, not in a technical sense, but from the storytelling point of view. These are scenes which may evolve in the future, which we may see the conclusion to. Or we may not, such is the ambiguity of the artist.