What I know about tacos could be written on a kidney bean, but a restaurant serving Mexican food that is actually in Mexico seems a decent first ingredient on a recipe for success. Luckily I’m not here at Taquería Canalla in San Pedro to talk about the food, but rather the work of designers Manifesto Futura.
If we assume that the food is as thoughtfully prepared as the interior, then the tacos must be something pretty delicious. Manifesto Futura describe the project as a difficult one, but their perseverance certainly paid off. They used raw materials as the starting point, giving carpentry firm Paterna plenty to do with all that wood, and while they didn’t polish things up too much, the interior of Taquería Canalla is a refined place to be. MF are also responsible for the name and branding of the restaurant; those nicely numbered bottles contain different sauces to put on your taco, each one sounding more dangerous than the last. I think I’ll stick to the guacamole…