N°2 in Zurich. It took me a while to stop sniggering childishly at the name (sad, I know) – you’d have bought the next door property in an ideal world, wouldn’t you? – but we got there eventually and we’re glad we did, as it means we can tell you about the clothing, jewellery and accessories shop on the city’s Brotgasse street, not far from the waterfront.
Anywhere that uses the excellent Ropero display wardrobes from Hierve is off to a cracking start, and the sharp colours on the inside of the cabinets cuts through the white and pastels of the store interior like a palate-cleansing sorbet after a rich creamy sauce. You wouldn’t accuse the three-storey place of being overly glamorous either one floor has wires trailing over the bare concrete floor, lightbulbs left unshaded, and pipes carrying both clothing and water. There is more ritz elsewhere though, not just in the clothing department but in the Woodlove restored furniture showroom and the homewares section. Joy of joys, there’s also a lovely little outdoor courtyard café to sit in and ponder what to spend your hard-earned dollar on next.