Whatever Germany is doing, everyone else should be copying. With an economy a good deal less disastrous than the rest of Europe, and (get this) a capital city that’s actually affordable to live in without selling bodily fluids on the black market, it’s no surprise that Berlin continues its creative ascent in stratospheric proportions. A particularly attractive option for artistic types – who have been flocking there to enjoy the bohemian, open-all-hours scene and to contribute to making Berlin a cauldron of creativity ever since the wall dropped – the city has one of the world’s most prominent arts and culture scenes.
Neonchocolate is one of the city’s many cultural success stories; having opened as a gallery in Prenzlauer Berg as recently as 2010, Uwe Neu and Oliver Thoben’s multi-disciplinary venture is now an established part of the Berlin scene. In cooking up Berlin What? – a book and exhibition tour – the two editors have given the city’s artistic melting pot a stir and ladled out a massive plateful of creative yumminess. More than 100 international artists are featured in the project, unified by having the good fortune to call Berlin home, and in total the publication boasts over 500 works. A full list of contributors, dates of relevant international book fairs, and online ordering, is available here.

Photography © We Heart