The way we see it, if you’re going to Twerk, then do it with style – there’s nothing worse than a half-arsed Twerk. Maybe your repertoire could use a few classic moves, like a ballet Arabesque, or a Rumba sway. Diesel and i-D have the answer for budding dancers everywhere, as they present a posse of breakout dance stars performing in an A-Z of Dance.
Shot against the L.A. Skyline by director Jacob Sutton, A-Z of Dance features the skills of a diverse selection of dancers such as teen sensation Levanna McLean and Nicole “The Pole” Williams, and with a bit of practice you could be following in their footsteps. The beauty of dance is that it needs no special equipment; a pair of Diesel’s Jogg Jeans, with their blend of denim and jersey giving extra flexibility and movement, makes the perfect dance-anywhere kit.
Got some moves yourself? Fancy starring in the follow-up video? Dance your way over to Diesel’s store in Covent Garden, London, 2 – 4pm on 10 April for a casting call and a chance to meet some of the A-Z of Dance stars. Alternatively, get involved by posting your footage via social media using the hashtags #joggjeans and #iDdance.
Just a quick note of caution: preparation is key, and impatient dancers who neglect their stretches are asking for trouble. Attempt some advanced Finger Tutting without the proper warm-ups and you’ll never play the piano again, and a badly performed Death Drop may need surgery and months of rehab to put right. Dance safe, people.