The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London

LondonArt & Culture

Vox Populi

The man and woman in the street have their say on the important issues in fun pre-election project...

We’re always hearing about how political parties are failing to engage with “the man in the street”, and is it any wonder? From the three main parties in my constituency, for example, I can choose between a Tory solicitor, a Labour barrister, and a Lib-Dem employment lawyer. Wow. What a cross-section of privately-educated society that is. Not very relatable really are they, and there’s also the issue of… the issues. It’s not just the big policies that shape the country domestically an internationally that people are passionate about, but those micro-issues that affect the daily lives of people. The things you would fix first, if you were in charge.

The Public Prime Minister is a project from KK Outlet that set out to discover what the average Joe and Joanne feels is important. So they asked some. Portrait photographer Dirk Rees shot the would-be PMs as they set forth their ideas, big and small, as to how the UK can make things better for its people. From legalising drugs to harsher sentences, an EU exit to the reintroduction of flame-retardant shell suits, anything was possible in that brief moment of power. The portraits, along with the participants’ key policy decisions, are on display at the Hoxton Square gallery until 14 May. And please don’t listen to Russell Brand — cast your vote on 7 May.


The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London The Public Prime Minister at KK Outlet, London