One of the latest openings in a city famed for its street-art, designers, illustrators and all round creativity, is Dudes Factory, a fabulously unique laboratory cum boutique, that allows visitors to consume, deconstruct and experiment with art and design – a space for design junkies, illustration appreciators, graphic art obsessives and experimentalists alike. Founded by former ad-agency duo Arnaud Loix van Hooff and Heribert Willmerdinger, Dudes Factory offers creative workshops, tutorials and presentations alongside a selection of products that can be customised and created with their unique online ‘Dudes LAB‘ software – a place that erodes the boundaries between the end-user and the artist, allowing for the deconstruction of illustrations, the outcome being entirely artworks that can be applied to t-shirts, accessories or many other diverse products.
Keeping it fresh on a regular basis, new artists are invited to provide unique works especially for the factory, with the owners challenging them to embrace new materials and techniques, the results of which are displayed in-store and available for consumer deconstruction via the LAB. If you’re a fan of street-art inspired graphics and want to challenge your creativity, van Hooff and Willmerdinger’s Berlin-based Dudes Factory is certainly the right place to start.