To get a U.S. passport for the first time, you need to fill out the U.S passport application Form DS-11, gather your proof of citizenship (usually a birth certificate), take a passport photo, pay the passport fees, and turn in your materials to an authorised facility.
How To Get a US Passport (New Passport)
If you are a U.S. citizen who wants to travel abroad, having a U.S. passport is necessary. The government requires passports for international travel. You will need a passport if you’re going to visit any country outside the United States, are considering living overseas, or are going to make land border crossings.
If you already know that you have passport eligibility for a U.S passport and are ready to start the process, keep reading to find out how to navigate the process.
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Getting a U.S. Passport
If you’re wondering how to get a U.S. passport, you’re in the right place. Below, we will examine what it takes to get a new passport for the first time and walk you through each step.
For someone trying to get a U.S. passport for the first time, the process can seem overwhelming. Below we’ve broken the process down into a series of easy-to-follow steps that will have you on your way to traveling the world in no time.
If you have passport eligibility, you have to follow a series of steps, including gathering your proof of citizenship, filling out the appropriate passport application form, and taking a photo. It’s essential to thoroughly understand each step to efficiently make it through the process.
You’re likely to need to start the process many weeks or even months in advance of your planned trip outside the country. It can take up to 11 weeks to receive your passport after applying. This waiting period does not include the time it takes to gather all the required materials.

Photo, Rocio Ramirez.
What You Will Need To Get a U.S. Passport
You’ll need several citizenship documents to get a U.S. passport for the first time. Below we will explore what you need to make the process as smooth as possible and a few alternatives if you were not born in the United States.
A U.S. Citizen Who Was Born in the United States
– Evidence of Citizenship (likely your birth certificate).
– A completed DS-11 form.
– A valid photo.
– The required passport fees.
A Naturalized Citizen Born Outside the U.S.
– Your Certificate of Naturalization.
– Your Certificate of Citizenship.
– Your Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth.
– A completed DS-11 form.
– A valid photo.
– The required passport fees.
Born Outside the U.S. to American Parents
– Your foreign birth certificate.
– Your parents’ evidence of U.S. citizenship (their birth certificates).
– A statement from your parents detailing their history of residence.
– Your parents’ marriage certificate (if applicable).
– A completed DS-11 form.
– A valid photo.
– The required passport fees.
Acquired U.S. Citizenship Through the Naturalization of a Parent
– Your birth certificate.
– Your parent’s naturalization certificate.
– Your residency status (such as a Permanent Resident Card) or foreign passport
– Your parents’ marriage certificate (if applicable).
– A completed DS-11 form.
– A valid photo.
– The required passport fees.
The government may require some other pieces of evidence to verify your eligibility. These might include:
– A certificate of legitimization.
– A document of legal custody.
There are a few other things to keep in mind when gathering the required materials for passport service. If you decide to print the DS-11 form rather than pick it up from a U.S. Post Office or other passport acceptance facility, it must be in black on matte white 8.5×11” paper.
There should be no holes or perforations in the form, meaning that you cannot staple or bind the document. You cannot print the form on paper that is coloured or reflective.
When taking a photo, there are also a few other requirements to keep in mind. You should wear everyday clothes and change out of any uniforms or anything that looks like a uniform.
You should also remove any non-religious or medical head covering (a signed statement must accompany exceptions).
You must also remove your glasses unless they are worn for a medical purpose and cannot be removed (the government requires a signed statement for this exception). You should remove any jewellery that obscures your face as well.
Additionally, headphones and hands-free devices cannot feature in your photo.
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Step by Step: How to Apply For a Passport in the U.S.
Below are the five simple steps you need to follow to get a U.S. passport:
Step 1: Complete the U.S. Passport Application
If you want to get a U.S. passport, the first step is to fill out the required application. This application form. There are different forms if you want to acquire a new U.S. passport, renew the passport you already have, or change your passport.
If you’re acquiring a U.S. passport for the first time, you will fill out Form DS-11. You can find the passport service form online at and many other resources that will help you navigate this process. You will also use this form if you’re applying for someone under sixteen.
You may print this form or pick it up at a local facility, such as a United States Post Office. If you decide to print the form, it’s crucial to maintain the document’s integrity. As noted above, this means you should only print in black on white paper and refrain from stapling or damaging the paper. You must only print the form on standard 8.5×11” printer paper.
Step 2: Provide the Required Documents
After filling out the required form, you need to gather the appropriate citizenship documents. These documents prove you are a U.S. citizen and that you meet specific eligibility requirements for a U.S. passport.
The most commonly used documentation proving you’re a U.S. citizen is a birth certificate. It should list your name, date of birth, birth location, parents’ names, valid filing date, and a seal of authority.
There are several other scenarios you might be facing when trying to get a U.S. passport. You might be a naturalized citizen, have been born outside the U.S. and acquired citizenship through your parents, or become a U.S. citizen through the naturalization of a parent. While these alternative scenarios may make the process seem more daunting, we’ve organised the required documents into categories below.
If you were born outside the U.S. and later naturalized as a U.S. citizen, you should submit your Certificate of Naturalization, Certificate of Citizenship, an expired passport (if you have one), and a Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth.
If you were born outside the U.S. to American parents, you must submit your foreign birth certificate and your parents’ evidence of U.S. citizenship (their birth certificates). You will also need to turn in a statement from your parents detailing their residential history and their marriage certificate (if applicable)
If you acquired U.S. citizenship through the naturalization of a parent, several citizenship documents are required. They include your birth certificate, your parent’s naturalization certificate, your residency status (such as a Permanent Resident Card) or foreign passport, and your parents’ marriage certificate (if applicable).
Other examples of evidence that may be required include a certificate of legitimisation and a legal custody document.
Make sure to take the time to find each required document for your specific situation. This often means you will have to start the passport application process early, perhaps many months before your planned trip outside the country.
Step 3: Get a Passport Photo Taken
The third step in getting a U.S. passport is taking a photo. It’s important to note that you won’t be able to take the picture yourself. Instead, you must visit an authorised facility, such as a post office or FedEx/UPS store. Sometimes, passport services in other facilities, like copy shops and pharmacies, are also permitted to take passport photos.
As mentioned above, there are a few restrictions on passport photos that you should keep in mind when you’re on the way to get yours taken. They include limitations on glasses and hats, and headwear. If you want to save a trip you can use this online service to get your Passport Photos online.
Step 4: Pay the Passport Fees
A one-time fee is associated with acquiring a U.S. passport. You will also have to pay an execution fee to the facility that handles your application. For someone applying for their first U.S. passport, this will cost around $150. The price can vary depending on where you live, your age, and if you want to expedite the process or not.
Step 5: Submit Your Application
If you’ve completed the four previous steps, you’re ready to submit your application for a U.S. passport. For first-time applicants, you must turn in your application in person at an authorised passport acceptance facility. Some of the many certified facilities in your area include public libraries, post offices, and various government offices.
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Photo, Kelly Sikkema.
How Long Does it Take to Get a U.S. Passport?
After you’ve completed the above steps and paid the passport application fee, routine processing takes up to 11 weeks for your U.S. passport application to be processed. If you need to expedite your passport services, you can pay an increased application fee.
For $60 more, you can expect to receive your passport sometime within the next five to seven weeks. Some passport agencies provide additional expedited services and will, for a more significant fee, get your passport to you more quickly, within a few weeks or even days.
Their services are usually employed when someone is facing an emergency. For example, if you lose your U.S. passport while traveling or need to visit another country after a family member’s death. Expedited passport agency usually divide their services between life and death emergencies and urgent travel services.
If you want to get a U.S. passport, you’ll need to gather a few crucial materials and fill out a passport application. These include your citizenship document (which can vary depending on your citizenship status but is usually a birth certificate), the completed DS-11 application, a photo from an authorised passport services facility, and the appropriate application fee.
By following the simple steps outlined above, you’ll have a U.S. passport in no time and all the benefits that come with it!
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