Write for We Heart

Write for We Heart

We’re always on the look out for quality contributors and would love you to add your expertise to our pages by writing for us...

Write for Us

Fan of what we do? We’re always on the look out for quality contributors and would love you to add your expertise to our pages by writing for us. Whether you’re an aspiring writer or long-time expert in your niche, you could grow your online visibility with by submitting your article We Heart; we’re always on the lookout for new and interesting opinions.

In order to contribute to our online magazine, to become a guest blogger, potentially even a staff writer should your work really gel with us, we have outlined some fairly straight forward guidelines to get you started.

Contributor Guidelines

Follow these easy tips to make for a smooth process when you submit a potential article to We Heart:

— Article submissions should be at least 1,000+ words and of high quality. We reserve the right to make edits to the copy and, of course, to source our own imagery.

— Posts must be highly researched and authentic, they should be in your tone of voice, engaging to readers, and offering a new perspective on whatever your niche may be. We will only publish unique content, all text will be checked meticulously for plagiarism.

— We expect you to provide links to resources, citations and any further reading that will enhance the reader experience.

— Please make sure that the piece is informative AND showcases the voice of the guest author. Remember, this is a chance to showcase your work to a wider audience, do not consider submitting your work unless you feel it is at least as good as existing content.

— Please submit an author bio with your article. This should be between 50—75 words that explains who you are, your passions, and why your voice is valid among the sea of online content.

Topics and Guidelines

We Heart wants to be a classic magazine that covers any topic so long as the content has value to the audience, we shy away from pigeonholing ourselves, and have over the last two decades published content from luxury design or cutting-edge art exhibitions to design-led hotels, the automotive industry and home improvements. The only constant remains that we try to engage with potential readers.

Topics can be about travel or design; general lifestyle or interiors: health and wellness to technology and business; finance or fitness; careers or home improvement … we don’t want to stifle you, submit whatever you want so long as you feel it is of value to the reader.

If you have an idea that you think will fit with one of the above subjects or absolutely anything that tickles your fancy, please send us an outline and we’ll let you know how and if we can make it work.

Editorial Process

Please adhere to our guidelines to ensure a smooth approval publication process. Posts take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to review, depending on the quality and length of the piece. Following an approval process, publishing of the piece takes anywhere from one to five days.

We only accept unique articles providing practical advice and tips to our readers. We do not accept press releases nor case studies; if you wish to submit your press releases for consideration to us, please contact [email protected].

Should you be wishing for promotional content or partner editorial, We Heart also offers the option of writing the content on your behalf. A team writer will discuss with you what you’re expecting and create an article that follows our readers’ interests and fits with the We Heart brand.

Why Should I Write for We Heart?

Whether you are a aspiring journalist, business owner, startup founder, entrepreneur, digital marketer, website editor, experienced writer, or simply somebody with a voice, getting that voice heard is vitally important. With a social media following in excess of 250,000, a website that has been regarded as an industry authority for almost 20 years, and thousands of daily readers, that voice can be heard by our audience.

We Want to Hear from You. Write for We Heart Today

Now that you know what types of articles we accept, as well as our general guest blogging guidelines, take the first steps and reach out today. As easy as 1,2,3: send us an email at [email protected] to get yourself established as an expert in your field and allow your voice to be heard by the We Heart audience.
